
The Coop Now Has a Raiseable Roof


Nikki said...

WOW! It is almost like... the BOB! It is the BOB of chicken coops! Did you know that there is sod named after the BOB? It is the finest sod that you can buy (that is what my husband says). Of course it is called - BOB SOD. BOB eggs don't exactly have the same ring... but... we should come up with a name for your eggs. THE FINEST EGGS IN... the entire Ames house?!

Unknown said...

Yes, my goal was to have a coop that would put the BOB to shame with it's technologically advanced, state of the art, cooler than cool, raiseable roof. My chickens get nothing but the best. So, this coop will be known as C.R.C. aka Chicken Ranch Carl. Eggs produced at C.R.C. will be very fine because of the ventilation system designed to bring more airflow into the coop, which makes for happier chickens, which in turn makes for healthier eggs. Happy Hens Happy Eggs!

Nikki said...

Like the "happy cows" commercial!!

Kristen said...

David Dorsey shares his chicken scriptures.

St. Pollo 1:1
"Raise up a chicken in the way that it should go, but behold; name it not for it shall be the feast upon your table in the time of famine."

St. Pollo 1:2
"Brag not of the chicken ye shall raise, for the temptation for thine own friends to BBQ it is beyond resistance."

Unknown said...

David Dorsey, the scripture of the day is: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors chickens, nor look upon them as food for thy belly, for if so long will be the famine in the land."

Sam the YAM & Allie

Sam the YAM & Allie

Sam the Y.A.M

Y.our A.mes M.edia Network (Y.A.M.)This is a blog set up for the Ames Families in Boise, Nibley, Perry, St. George, and Arizona, to keep in touch better and see what is happening in the family. Email anything you want submitted to the Editor. Thank you. Sam

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